Thursday, November 4, 2010

Actions: The Actors' Thesaurus for $12.77

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This book was suggested by my current Acting coach on the first day of class. After one week I hadn't gotten it because I know tons of action verbs and I had written my own little booklet about them years ago in college so I had the info & thought I was fine. Then I realized my current coach is a genius and that this book is invaluable to all actors. I ordered it & I use it all the time. Actions plus a dictionary are two books all actors should carry with them every day. You might think that you want to manipulate someone in your scene, but you can't keep using manipulate on every line! If it didn't work the first time you need to try something else like coerce, taunt, trick, tease, jab, lure..... the list goes on. And it's really well organized so you can search by categories or alphabetically. And each word (like Manipulate) has a list of other verbs that might suit your action better. I'm so thrilled this book exists! I've only had it about a month or so & have merely cracked the surface so I know I'll be using it a very long time! Well worth the price no matter what you pay for it!

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"Actions: The Actors' Thesaurus" Overview

ACTIONS: The Actors' Thesaurus is a vital companion for actors in rehearsal—a thesaurus of action words to revitalize performance.

Actors need actions. Actors cannot ‘act’ adjectives, they need verbs. Verbs are an aim to achieve, an action to perform.

‘Actions’ are active verbs. ‘I tempt you.’ ‘You taunt me.’ In order to perform an action truthfully--and therefore convincingly-- an actor needs to find exactly the right action to suit that particular situation and that particular line. That is where this book comes in….

ACTIONS is a thesaurus of active verbs that the actor can use to refine performance until s/he hits exactly the right one to help make the action come alive. ACTIONS: The Actors’ Thesaurus by Marina Caldarone & Maggie Lloyd-Williams has gathered together the (formerly) dogged-eared photocopied lists of action verbs from greenrooms and rehearsal rooms and put them together in this pocket-sized thesaurus. All with a view to helping actors get to the heart of meaning and to a great performance. This thesaurus of action words is indispensable in developing mood, line readings, and acting choices for each and every line.

Customer Reviews

Helpful - Shep Slater - Atlanta, GA
It's a pretty good book. Has many action verbs to play. Some of the verbs would be difficult to play in my opinion but it has many others to choose from. All in all its a good easy to read book that would be helpful in a class or before an audition

Very Useful - Moray Maxwell - USA
For any actor, this book will be useful. I rate it a 10 out of 10. For example, it gives tons of options for beating out a script. I highly recommend it.

A Lifesaver - Jeanne Stanley - Missouri
I teach the Hodge method in directing, and this book makes verbing possible for the students. It simplifies the choices, but not so much as to limit them. I also use it for my actors; if someone is too bland, I will hand them a book, bookmark some appropriate sections, and have them do some variants through verbs. I love it, and so do the students!

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