Monday, October 18, 2010

The Biz: The Basic Business, Legal and Financial Aspects of the Film Industry for $26.95

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I was afraid when I picked up _The Biz_ that it was going to be a dry read-- legal aspects of any business are not known for being a scintillating read. However, I am happy to report that it was not only a quick and interesting read, it was a genuinely funny one. Moore had me laughing out loud on several occasions.

Even granted that this is not a book you read for the humor, it is refreshing to see a reference book so well written. My only quarrel was that I would have liked to see a bibliography included with the book in case I wanted to go in depth into any of the areas covered.

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"The Biz: The Basic Business, Legal and Financial Aspects of the Film Industry" Overview

Today's film industry is a legal and financial obstacle course that all independent filmmakers must learn to master. In view of this, The Biz--a highly accessible overview of the industry's important business, legal and financial aspect--is a must-read for all filmmakers. It includes thorough explanations and discussions of: Film-industry business jargon; Raising financing; Business structuring; Securities laws; Budgeting essentials; Dealing with the guilds; Loans; Completion guarantees; The legal and financial ramifications of distribution deals; Calculating net profits; Film-industry accounting practices and contingent payments; Copyright, publicity, and trademark laws; Screen credits; Talent demands; Litigation problems; Bankruptcy; Taxation of film companies; The Internet distribution of film . . . and much more. The Biz also includes a dozen useful sample forms and agreements.

Customer Reviews

Great book! - D. Lin -
This was a great book and is very useful for anyone wanting to learn the business aspects of the film industry.

Excelente introducción a la industria - Guido M - Argentina
Es un muy buen libro introductorio a la industria.
Los análisis del autor son rigurosos. Hace mucho incapié en los aspectos legales de la producción cinematográfica

How hot is "the Biz?" - -
One thing about Professor Moore: the man rides motorcycles and has more energy than a 6-year old. He's not the average UCLA professor.

Thus, you should be aware that the book reflects it's writer's personality. The book is not only informative, but a pretty fun read as well. Friends from other law schools tell me how dry and dull their entertainment law texts are - a fact which absolutely boggles my mind. The Biz is concisely written, and filled with lively examples

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