Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Where the Girls Are: Growing Up Female with the Mass Media for $8.94

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Wow...I don't even really know where to begin with this book. To my way of thinking, it's an excellent overview of women in the media from the early sixties to about the early nineties and it does a pretty thorough job of it dealing with everything from Jackie O to Beatle mania to I Love Lucy and I dream of Jeanie, all the way up to Dynasty and Dallas. It was an eye opener for me from the perspective of I've seen a few episodes of most of the programs she discusses, but many (Dynasty, Dallas, Cagney & Lacey, Hill Street Blues, LA Law, and many more), I've seen either NO episodes or maybe 1-3...we either weren't living in the US at the time (Dynasty and Dallas) or I refused to watch (Hill Street Blues). So from that angle, this book is interesting, because I know these shows were widely acclaimed and watched by was a whole other take on their popularity and ultimate message to and about women and men and their places in society.

I'd love to see an expanded edition to include some of the other shows in the last 10 years (Xenia, Buffy, and so on)...but overall, having not read much about women in the media (beyond what is shown on the news, somewhat ironic I know) or about feminism (not something I've had any real contact with or connection to in my life. I can't say that my mom ever talked about feminism), so this book was interesting on many levels and while a bit outdated (written in 1994), it was still well worth reading. I give it a solid B...mostly because it's now out of date, otherwise very readable and humorous, while being informative at the same time.

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hungry: A Young Model's Story of Appetite, Ambition, and the Ultimate Embrace of Curves for $7.49

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I don't think that I will ever be able to do this book enough justice, but I will try.

To be honest, I haven't followed the modeling world for some time. I used to read all of the magazines and watched Style with Elsa Klensch religiously.

But years have passed since that time, and I had never heard of model Crystal Renn. I was unaware of her story.

Crystal was raised by her grandmother when her own mother abandoned her. Being abandoned or rejected by a parent often leads to feelings of inadequacy, as no matter how much reassurance from others you receive that you are worthy of love, it is still a blow to your psyche. Crystal was no different, and she developed a need to dominate whatever activity she chose, whether it be student council president or cheerleading or modeling.

Crystal didn't want to just be a model in a catalog. She wanted the runways and the Vogue covers. In order to do this, she was told that her hips would have to get down to 34". This meant that she, at 5'9" would need to drop down to 110 lbs. She had to lose 60 lbs.

Of course, given her overachiever demeanor, she went beyond this. She exercised for 8 hours a day on the weekends. She ate lettuce, chewed gum, and smoked. And she eventually found herself at 95lbs.

You don't have to be a budding model to feel that you don't have the right to take up space. ~ Crystal Renn.

I wanted to be less, always less. I wanted to be as barely there as possible. ~ Crystal Renn

I wonder whether today's mania for super-thin, wide-eyed, less powerful-looking girls is tied to fear of female strength. Today's girls take up less space, literally and metaphorically. ~Crystal Renn

And yet, she wasn't successful at that weight. She was a shell of a person at that point and no one wanted to hire her because of her lack of spark and energy.

You can be as beautiful as anything, but if you can't show people a little of your soul, you'll never make it. It wasn't until I became the weight I was meant to be that I figured that out. ~ Crystal Renn

The stereotype of models is that we're brain-dead, but some of us are just starving. ~ Crystal Renn

Eventually, Crystal's body fought back and started gaining weight on its own, no matter how hard she tried to keep her weight down.

Crystal began to learn about how our bodies are designed and why some people are destined to be size 0 naturally and others are not. I have to agree with her assertions, as I think it's easy to tell when someone is naturally thin. I know people who are very thin and petite, but not skin and bones. I know some folks who are larger, yet have a nice defined figure.

When we diet to lose weight, we have to steamroll over the weight our genes want us to be, disregard the hunger pangs that won't go away as we dip below the size that's normal for us, ignore the marketing of junk food and the prevalence of giant slabs of meat and glugs of high-fructose corn syrup and the hugeness of most portion sizes. We may have to struggle to find fresh, affordable food, which isn't accessible in many neighborhoods. We have to find the time to cook and walk more. We blame ourselves for failing to lose weight and we never think, Gee, if almost everyone who loses weight gains it back, maybe the problem is with the concept of dieting, not with individuals. ~ Crystal Renn

Crystal talks about studies that have shown people who are not overweight have a difficult time gaining weight, even when they are told to do so. They have to eat around 10,000 calories per day to put on weight and maintain it.

Yet some people can't lose weight until they cut their calories drastically. And so, the conclusion is, that there is a genetic difference between people who are thin and people who are overweight.

She also discusses the bashing that overweight people are taking in our society now. This part of the book is rather involved, but very informative. I'll just give you with a taste of it:

No one has established a causal relationship between weight and ill health. Are people fat because they're unhealthy or unhealthy because they're fat? Bacon (a researcher) shows the difference between the two with an example: Bald men have a higher incidence of heart disease than men with a full head of hair. However, this doesn't mean that baldness causes heart disease or that hair protects against heart disease. (And no one would suggest that bald men dig deep, show some damn discipline, and grow some hair.) ~ Crystal Renn

Eventually, Crystal's body weight settled in at what was healthy for her, which was about what she weighed before she started starving herself to fit in to the "straight" modeling world. Yes, she is a size 10/12 now and that is considered Plus sized in the modeling world. But she has broken through many of the barriers and appeared on Vogue covers around the world.

If you couldn't tell, I absolutely adore this book and its author. I think that it's one of the most important books I've ever read. Crystal Renn is only 24, but she has already learned a great deal about body acceptance and what works for her. That she can share this very personal journey in such an accessible way is truly amazing. This should be required reading for everyone, as it will change the way people think about our genetic appearances.

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Theatrical Design and Production: An Introduction to Scene Design and Construction, Lighting, Sound, Costume, and Makeup

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I use this text for all my Tech Theatre classes, from Basic Stagecraft on up to more advanced 300- and 400- level classes, and I ditto what other reviewers have said about its being comprehensive, thorough, and accurate. The only small problem I have with it is that it really isn't designed for students who've never taken a Theatre class before. For a 100-level class, there should be a little more background on definitions of the broad concepts like Art, Theatre, and Drama (and why there is a difference between the last two), and what exactly the work of the Playwright, Director, and Actors is and how the work of the design artists supports that. (I use Gillette for 100-level classes because I haven't really found anything else that does precisely what I would want a Basic Stagecraft book to do.) For a 200-level class, though, or a 100-level class where they've already taken a more traditional Theatre Appreciation class where they've already absorbed those concepts, it's THE book to use.

Paul F. Wilson
Chair and Tech Director
Methodist University
Fayetteville, NC

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Great Brain (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition) (Great Brain (Prebound))

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I agree with the other reviewers in that The Great Brain is an entertaining, clever, and highly intelligent read for 4th graders and up with excellent reading comprehension. However, parents may wish to be aware that the book raises a number of challenging, troubling issues to which their children may not have been previously exposed. All are dealt with in lighthearted ways, yet for some children, it may be the first time being exposed to some of the darker concepts - like feuds between Christian sects (since it takes place in Utah at the turn-of-the-century the narrator frequently discusses fights with the Mormon kids), anti-Semitism (when a Jewish merchant sets up shop in town and is presumed to be hoarding gold), the death of the merchant, alcoholism (when a plot hatches to get a disliked teacher fired by planting empty whiskey bottles in his room), amputation (when a child gets gangrene after stepping on a nail and is forced to lose his leg), and even suicide (when that child feels that he is "plumb useless" and tries to enlist his friends to help him end it all.)

Not only are these issues raised rather offhandedly, but the overall story is morally complex. It involves Tom, the narrator's brother, looked up to as a brilliant thinker, but the main focus of his Great Brain is how to make money from his brother, his friends, and their parents regardless of the circumstance. He is generally on the right side of each issue, but a cynical child might assume he is only in it for himself. For example, he helps defend an immigrant child from bullies. But he does it by convincing the boy's father that in order to be a "real American kid" he must learn how to fight, and that Tom is willing to teach him for a fee. Tom manages to swindle his friends out of their spare pennies, his parents out of their pocket change, and his brother out of his prized Indian beaded belt.

So I recommend this book as a good read for intelligent kids, but if they have previously been exposed to only typical lighthearted children's fare, be prepared to read it along with your child, as some thorny moral discussions may develop.

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Monday, September 20, 2010

The Pocket Lawyer for Filmmakers: A Legal Toolkit for Independent Producers for $14.15

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This book is a great help and a fantastic reference. I refer to this book all the time. I usually can just open up the book to find the answer to whatever legal question I'm looking for.

My copy is all beat up and dog eared.. I never read it straight through, just skipped around to the stuff I want to know about. If I have a question, I know the answer is in there. It's more than just law, It's a guide to be in this business.

Plus, it's easy to understand. The copyright section helped me out the most.
I have produced things before, but life would've been easier with this book. They should require this book in film classes.

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Power of Birthdays, Stars & Numbers: The Complete Personology Reference Guide for $16.59

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In my opinion, this is a great book for almost all ages(or who can at least understand it) to read. I read this book in free time-at least what I can read of it seeing the fact that some of its pages are ripped out-and it is very entertaining. My daughter absolutely loves the book and keeps it her room all the time. I also think that the book encourages people to get up and do something with themselves. For instance, not to sit around on the couch all day or be just plain lazy! I would recommend this book to anybody and everybody who was born in (just as it says in the book)1930 to 2000. It's a nice book and explains everything from birthdays to which constellation you were born under.. Everyone who has this book or is at LEAST planning to buy it, I hope you have the same response as do maybe even better about this book...

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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Technical Theater for Nontechnical People for $11.41

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I am finding this book very useful for a rounded guide to technical theatre for those of us who are 'Jacks of all Trades'. I am a solo technician in a Performing arts college in the UK and find it a useful recourse as I have to don many hats and it makes a good refresher or guide for the less experienced.
It is well written and I find it honest and light and gives a good bit of detail about specific technicalities without the really mind boggling stuff that I guess 'non technical people' would get someone in for anyway.
Every director should have a copy, or anyone who has to work with technicians as it is a great overview of different roles and the work that different departments put in.
Have a go. It's worth the money in my humble opinion.

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Film: An Introduction

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In Film: An Introduction William H. Phillips of the University of Wisconsin gives a very comprehensive and enormously broad view on the art of filmmaking. Every aspect imaginable of film is addressed, although most of the time in a very introductory manner. This book is clearly mostly intended to an audience of future film critics, then to aspiring filmmakers. Nevertheless it succeeds very well in its main purpose of giving an introduction to film.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Once Upon a Time: Behind the Fairy Tale of Princess Grace and Prince Rainier

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There are many reviews for this book. I'm a new Grace Kelly fan and this is the first book that I've read about her. Although it was good, it left me wanting so much more.

There are many excerpts from previous books and authors (which I noted, and am now looking for those books to read). I would start with other books and end with this one. Others who knew her (Gwen Robyns and Robert Lacey) interest me more, as they actually knew her, and this book compiles those books and interviews with others into a new book. Good book, very addictive.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Producing Great Sound for Film and Video, Third Edition (DV Expert Series) for $20.89

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This is an outstanding book. It is written extremely clearly and thoroughly, without feeling too dry or boring. The author clearly has a sense of humour, as well as a wealth of experience of working on soundtracks for a large range of budgets (corporate to feature film). I actually read it cover to cover, non-stop, and have read dipped into it several times since. It is useful for people at all levels, from total beginners to people with a good overview of all aspects of professional production (like me).

I am certainly going to buy his other book (Audio Postproduction). The sections on post in this book were great, and I've already learnt a huge amount. But it just left me hungry for more.

I don't like to write gushing reviews, but this really was a great book. If someone asked me if I knew of a good book for video sound production, I would recommend this whole heartedly, without a second thought. I've already leant it to a trusted colleague, who has been in the business for 30 years, and he decided after a week to buy his own copy.

But I will throw in one drawback...having read this book, I just now wish I had the budget for hollywood facilities on every production I work on. And I don't. So try to remember to keep your feet on the ground. Decent soundtracks can still be made on relatively low budgets. Even on productions where I am writing, shooting, producing, and editing - this book has undoubtedly given me enough to make serious improvements to my sound recording, processing, and mixing.

In summary - if you are serious about sound (and you really should be if you want to produce decent video), and you feel like you need to know more, buy this book!!

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Monday, September 13, 2010

Screenwriting For Dummies for $11.30

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I have spent my time in Film school and was not satisfied with it. There is no scientific formula for writing a great screenplay. There is only the content... But for industry sake, there is a FORMAT for getting the script written, which does not take an entire semester of ones life wasted for something that can be learned from a book. This is your book. You do not need and expensive computer or a writing program (early screenplays were written on type writers *remember those?* and even earlier screenplays were never written - the director talked the actor(s) through the scene). I purchased this book because it was simple. It is also very enjoyable. I would definately recommend this book to screenwriters, even seasoned professionals. (Film Content is not the same anymore). Great book. Don't hesitate to purchase it.

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Brady, Brady, Brady: The Complete Story of The Brady Bunch as Told by the Father/Son Team who Really Know for $14.49

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Brady, Brady, Brady: The Complete Story of The Brady Bunch as Told by the Father/Son Team who Really Know, by Sherwood Schwartz and Lloyd J. Schwartz, Running Press (2010).

The average reader will enjoy Brady, Brady, Brady for the tabloid-like stories regarding off-screen romances, drug problems among the cast, on-set fighting, and other scandals that have taken place over the last 40+ years. The loyal, dedicated Brady Bunch fan will enjoy the book for all that as well as getting answers to some of those long-time unanswered questions--such as in what city did the Bradys reside?

The book is divided into three sections. The first section is written by Sherwood Schwartz, the creator of the show. Sherwood explains where the concept of the show came from, all he went through to get it on the air, and finally the production of the first episode. He touches briefly on his issues with Robert Reed and explains how it was decided in what city the Bradys lived, though the city is never specifically mentioned on the show or subsequent reunions.

Following this, the second section of Brady, Brady, Brady has Lloyd Schwartz (son of Sherwood Schwartz and production assistant since the beginning) talking about the day-to-day tribulations of making the show for five years. He covers the off-screen romances among the cast and the epic battles between Robert Reed and the Schwartzes. He also supplies behind-the-scene tidbits from some of the classic episodes. He describes, for example, how the production staff dealt with a dead body in the middle of an out-of-studio film shoot.

The third section then covers all of the reunions. Lloyd shares his feelings on The Brady Bunch Variety Hour (1976-77) that the Schwartzes were not a part of, and how the Brady Bunch franchise got back on track with the Brady Girls Get Married in 1981 and the successful return in 1988 with A Very Brady Christmas.

The one section, in my opinion, that gives the most new information comes in Lloyd's recall of the theatrical movies. He talks about how those came about. I was surprised to learn how different the final production of The Brady Bunch Movie was from the original draft. He describes the battles they had when the studio wanted other writers, and how proud he is of The Brady Bunch in the White House.

The book wraps up with a description of the new stage production, A Very Brady Musical, which has debuted in Los Angeles and, we hope, will begin a national tour in the coming years.

Brady, Brady, Brady should be on every fan's bookshelf. Overall, Sherwood and Lloyd Schwartz provide their readers with a very good summary of the highs and lows in the history of The Brady Bunch. New things are brought to light, and the book provides additional detail about many of the things fans already know. The occasional instances where characters and episodes have gotten mixed up or confused will likely go unnoticed by the average fan and will provide amusement to those of you who spot the inaccuracies. I am hopeful that the editors will fix those before the second printing.

Visit: [...]for a complte guide to everything Brady Bunch related.

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Film Theory and Criticism: Introductory Readings for $26.95

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First of all, if you are purchasing this book here is a great probability that someone required you to read it. Just as a warning, THIS BOOK IS VERY HARD TO READ!!!

The translations is difficult and sometimes you are completely confused. However the content is amazing. If you take the time to watch the films being discussed and or the films by the authors the words come alive and there is depth and understanding of the medium that we all enjoy.

I was required to read this for a MFA English course and I would have never read it otherwise. Now I recommend the book and several of the articles on a regular basis.

One note, check with your professor to see if you must order the latest edition. The previous editions are sometimes adequate and significantly less cost.

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Friday, September 10, 2010

Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture for $27.61

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"Marita Sturken is Associate Professor at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Southern California."

"Lisa Cartwright is Associate Professor of English and of Visual and Cultural Studies, and Director of the Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender and Women's Studies at the University of Rochester."

"a REMARKABLY WELL-WRITTEN, lucidly organized, and pedagogically astute book"
--- Donald Preziosi,
Department of Art History,
University of California, Los Angeles

"an EXEMPLARY TEXTBOOK... it offers an impressively comprehensive survey of debates in the field, illustrated by accessible interpretations of up-to-date and familiar examples from contemporary visual culture"
--- Jackie Stacey,
Department of Sociology,
Lancaster University

"a WIDE-RANGING, supple, historical, and analytical approach to visual culture, full of lively examples... a pleasure to read"
--- Toby Miller,
Department of Cinema Studies,
New York University

"a COMPREHENSIVE and compelling introduction to the wide range of critical thought"
--- Nicholas Mirzoeff,
Department of Art,
SUNY Stony Brook
[from the book of the back cover]

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Beatles Anthology for $29.94

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Finally a companion massive book for the cd releases re-introducing the Fab 4 to a younger audience apparently with the blessing of Paul, George, Ringo and Yoko. This book tries very hard to satisfy the diverse "needs" of its perceived fan base and so has something for everyone and like most things that try to please everyone, this one doesn't quite succeed and hence the complaints by some of the reviewers here but for me this is overall a great release for the fan. Granted there are many Beatles books out there some authorised and some not but this one does have a lot of information and for the patient reader is actually a goldmine and for me at least a very fun read. It is certainly one book that I'll not hesitate to revisit from time to time over the years.

Recommended for fans and those curious about what the fuss is all about.

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Craft and Business of Songwriting 3rd Edition (Craft & Business of Songwriting) for $10.71

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If you're keen to get into the game of songwriting, it's a good book to read. It tries to provide details about the entire process involved in songwriting - from idea generation to marketing your songs. However, like any one book that tries to cover all bases in a very large and complex undertaking like the songwriting business it ends up lacking in detail in every area. Lots of topics are summarily treated, especially areas on writing lyrics and composing melodies.

The plus to the book are that it's got lots of great insights into the music business and is very matter of fact and brutally honest about the music industry and how it works and that helps in dispelling any rosy myths one might have when thinking of getting into it. That pushes you to realistically assess your talents and work harder to step up your game or decide if this career is one you really want to get into.

My advice though is that this one book will not be enough if you really want to learn everything you need to know about songwriting, especially the musical aspects of composing and writing great lyrics.

Some other books I found very very helpful as a companion to this were:

Shortcuts to Hit songwriting - Robin Frederick

My review for this book is functionally the same as my review for another book "6 steps to Songwriting Success" by Jason Blume.

Essentially both books try to do the same thing, but in my opinion this one does a better job, and that's the reason I gave it 4 stars and gave the other 3 stars. If you're evaluating the two books and have cash for only one, go for this one instead.

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Piano Adventures Performance Book, Level 2A (Faber Piano Adventures®) for $5.02

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This is the series our Britsh-based piano teacher recommended. Our three children have used it and continue to progress with it. I'd like to see more theory practices and minuets for finger fluidity. However, this is not a book to be used for self-teaching.
The series is divided into 1) theory and practice, 2) performance for songs.

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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Rock and Roll Will Save Your Life: A Book by and for the Fanatics Among Us

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I picked up "Rock and Roll Will Save Your Life" after hearing author Steve Almond on some NPR show giving a hilarious interview about the lifespan of, in his words, a rock and rolling "drooling fanatic," and how one becomes one, lives as one, and eventually writes about being one. The salient points of the interview readily established him as a man roughly my age (likely younger) and his on-air self profile rang eerily close to my own musical maniac ism. Indeed, he was a fellow traveller! I had to have this book.

Which makes it hard to recommend it to anyone but a middle aged fellow traveller. On a personal scale, I give it 5 stars, but for those for whom musical hero worship is utterly alien, "Rock and Roll Will Save Your Life" is more a 3 star book, so I rate it 4 to split the difference. Almond's musical journey is intensely personal and oft-times extremely snarky (and even for a lefty like me, the constant Bush-slaps got in the way when they should have been edited away).

His snark occasionally turns back on himself, and that gives the book a few of its best moments. His exegesis on why Toto's "Africa" is genius is a riot, and the secret confession of being a Styx addict and loving "Paradise Theater" in spite of his older brother is almost worth the price of the book. On the other hand, Almond falls into the trap most rock writers fall into, and that is believing your favorite obscurity is Godhead.

In this case, the object of his desires is one Bob Schneider, a Texas singer songwriter. Almond takes this to an extreme, tracking the man down at his home and engaging him in a sadly painful dialogue, revealing another pitfall of artist worship, when your idols break your heart. Sadder still, they break your heart because you've jammed them into a corner that they can never work out of. I actually felt sorry for both Schneider and Almond by the end of the chapter. (And just as geekifically, I promptly went out and bought Schneider's "Lonely Creatures" after. Very Sneaky, Mr Almond.)

Which underlies the attraction and distraction of "Rock and Roll Will Save Your Life." Unless you're the kind of "DF" who would be naturally stoked to find out what Bob Schneider (or Joe Henry, Aimee Mann, Nil Lara and a series of other artists Almond is hot for) does to merit such magnificent praise in this book, you might wonder what the commotion is all about. Not me. Because as Almond himself accurately predicted, as soon as I saw the words "free CD" in the introduction, I put the book down and hit his website as fast as I could. Because I am that kind of person.

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Critical Listening Skills for Audio Professionals Book/CD for $30.49

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This book/cd is amazing. With specific exercises to help you identify frequency ranges, shelving and hi/lo pass filters, thd and lots more. College level work book and exercises to get you thinking about your audio from a solid foundation.
I wish I'd found this book 15 years ago! Excellent. Highly recommended to anyone looking to get into recording/audio as a hobby or career.

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Friday, September 3, 2010

Producing and Directing the Short Film and Video, Second Edition for $7.00

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This book should have been a required text book for school (in any film production course)! I really could have used this when we shot our student short film (,000 budget) on Super 16 film; the whole experience itself was a great learning experience, but if I had this book for support, I would have felt more comfortable on what I needed to do and to expect from other crew members.

This book breaks down everything in detail from start to finish; getting the idea, budget (has humor about catering of not just offering pizza because it would end up being a "pizza film" and definitely have salad -- very true! need to keep the crew happy), getting crew members, what each crew member specifically needs to do, figuring out the whole production and style of the film, the audio, workflow, etc. It's organized and it has samples, templates, some black and white pictures, and many great advices/quotes.

The book may be a little too overwhelming to a total beginner -- there is a lot of information -- but if filmmaking is your passion, you'll love it. For me, it is currently the Bible of how to make films.

It's imperative to have good teamwork and communication in filmmaking; even if you're not going to be the director/producer, it's very beneficial to know what every department does.

It's definitely a must have for students planning on making a film. It's more guidance than my professors ever really explained in my years of taking film classes (sad, but true).

I don't know if this was a mistake, but I was a little confused here:
on page XIX, it says "(see Figure 1.1 for producer's responsibilities)" but I don't see any other 1.1 figure besides on page 4 of "two hungry diners, from The Lunch Date."

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Film Director Prepares: A Practical Guide to Directing for Film and TV for $12.66

Cheap The Film Director Prepares: A Practical Guide to Directing for Film and TV Discount Review Shop

If you've never directed a film before or need to brush up on your technique, The Film Director Prepares will provide you with the confidence that it can be done. Myrl A. Schreibman is a veteran in the field, and the experience he shares can be summed up as 'directing is an intuitive and creative process'. The only bizarre characteristic of this book is that Myrl A. Schreibman advises against relying heavily on storyboards when directing, and yet the book includes a storyboard software.

In a nutshell, this is essential reading. As a new director who is in the process of directing my first feature film 'Six Lovers' - [...] - Myrl A. Schreibman's book is guiding me through the process. I also teach scriptwriting and script adaptation at university and now make reference to this book when advising my postgraduate students on the relationship between script writing, storyboards and directing.

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Theatre Histories: An Introduction for $108.58

Cheap Theatre Histories: An Introduction Discount Review Shop

An amazing theatre textbook. It covered a wide range and was set up chronologically rather than by culture, which made more sense to me than any other theatre history text I've used. It also covered cultures and types of theatre that I had never heard of before, rather than focusing on Western cultures. The writing style was approachable and held my interest easily. There were many photos, drawings, and diagrams, which all served to augment the reading.

I highly recommend it. Especially because it is an entertaining textbook while still being vastly informative.

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